Ketchikan recently built a new
City Library above town in a area called
Bear Valley. The library used to share a building with the
Tongass Historical Museum and both were running out of space, and as the Museum was a tourist attraction the library was moved to it's new location. After the move we had to find a new way up there, because the bus only ran
up to Bear Valley once an hour; so we did not visit the Library as often.
The By-Pass |
We found the shortest way to walk to the library was to use the 3rd Ave. bypass.
The bypass was built in 2002 to make a second route for traffic to get
from the north end of town to down-town. It starts right above the marina and
ends in Bear Valley where the library is now located. Walking the bypass
was quicker then waiting for the bus, so on nice days we would take the
bypass for the fresh air and exercise. We had walked the bypass a couple of times and had noticed two staircases about a quarter mile apart, going up the rock cliff and disappearing into the trees. We wondered where they lead, but did not take the time to investigate. So, on a nice wonderfully warm sunny day our curiosity got the best of us; we gathered water bottles and snacks and we started out.
we finally got to the stairs we discovered they led to the Rain Bird trail. The sun was
bright and high when we started up the steps; when we reached the top of the stairs we turned and looked out across
the Tongass Narrows. We did not realize at the time it was just a prelude of things to come. We climbed straight up for the
first ten to fifteen minutes, taking short rests when we were winded. The path we were on opened suddenly on the Rain Bird trail which meandered along the hill side. We turned south and started
noticing green ferns and ice cold crystal clear creeks. A slight breeze
whispered through the trees as we walked; the heavenly smell of pine
trees and a sweet smell from the sun when it warms the moist ground. Our ears were filled with the sounds of water falling down the rocks below and the wind rustling the leaves above.

Our world became one of hopping over creeks and running down stone steps as if we were on an ancient forgotten road. Climbing over and under fallen trees and
always wondering what lay around the next bend or over the next rise. We broke from the forest quite suddenly and found ourselves atop a cliff looking down at the town below. A wood fence stretched along the cliff top adding to the beauty of the Tongass Narrows, Ketchikan, and the islands below. It was so
breathtaking; there were boats out on the water heading or returning
from sea empty or laden down with fish, Cruise Ships were leaving and
docking, and the islands were rising and falling in hills and mountains.
You could see pretty much everything there was to see all in one
We really did not want to leave the
Rain-bird trail, as we descended the stairs we made a
decision right there and then that we would return as often as possible,
and we have. The Rain-bird trail is a place to think and get your mind
settled, a magical place where fairy tales seem
Editor: Dad